An acrylic copolymer resin-based, water-based, single-component, ready-to-use, elastic, white (colorable) waterproofing spread material that can be applied on all types of surfaces easily.

- Ready to use.
- Easy-to-apply semi-fluid. Covers tough surfaces easily. Low labor cost.
- Elastic. Elongates 600% after 24 hours at 23°C in 1 to 1.5 mm thickness.
- Adheres perfectly to all types of building materials.
(Adhesion strength on mineral based surfaces: 7.15 kgf / cm2).
- Maintains its elasticity in temperature differences (476% at 70°C, 397% at -17°C).
- Resistant against weak chemicals.
- Enables the surfaces to breathe.
(Water vapor permeability: 27.6 g/m² day after 24 hours at 23°C and 65% relative humidity)
- Tensile strength: (23°C - 65% RH) 24.5 kgf / cm2 after 24 hours, 55 kgf / cm2 after 72 hours.
- Does not contain any solvents.
- Decorative. Can be colored with Betekmatic tubes even though it is produced white (only 4-5 shades) or painted using a water-based paint with the same elasticity